Vitality Package


Weekly one on one sessions focused on cell health. 

8 sessions total, either 30 or 60 minutes. Offered in person, over the phone, or over video chat. 

Time per Session

Weekly one on one sessions focused on cell health. 

8 sessions total, either 30 or 60 minutes. Offered in person, over the phone, or over video chat. 

Q: When will the rest of my sessions be booked?
A: When booking your package, you will be scheduling the first session. The rest of your sessions will be discussed during the first session and booked subsequently.

Q: Do I have to do all my sessions in the same way, i.e. all in person, all on the phone?
A: No, they can be done in whatever way is most convenient for you.

Q: Where are you located?
A: I am located in NYC. However, on occasion, I am in San Diego, California. If you would like to book with me while I am in California please send me an email at

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Peace of Mind during this time!

Tbh I didn't know what the mitochondrial package really ment or even what a health coach was.... I came to understand it was about supporting all functions of your body from inside out. I think that's crucial right now. I'm in a pretty rough spot in my life and she helped me a lot with all aspects. I met my goals and she supported in lots of different parts of my life (sleep, life, etc). I found her through a friend and I'm really glad I did. I think sometimes we can all use a little help.

Beautiful soul!

I had a phone consultation with her and told her just about everything that I was wanting to improve for myself she was knowledgeable about. Marie is a dream health and wellness coach. She focuses on you as a whole, and really dives into the "why" behind your behaviors. We spend time talking about diet and exercise, but we spend more time talking about how to better take care of myself. I was looking for someone to hold me accountable for my goals as well as make a revision to how to keep them and she also did that. I am very happy with my results. She is pretty available over text and email too.